Misdemeanor and the PTCB

by Quineka
(West memphis, ar)

What misdemeanor will hinder me from obtaining a pharmacy tech license?

Reply (by Keith)

Depending on your state, it could be a number of things. You'll want to call the Board of Pharmacy and ask.

As far as what the PTCB looks for, that's anything which has happened within the last five years. From what I've been told when I've called and asked, special attention is paid to offenses involving substance abuse (including alcohol). However, it is still worth checking with the PTCB, as they look at each situation and decide based on other factors. It is at their discretion, so if it's something not involving drugs and was years ago or before you were 18, plead your case.

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Misdemeanor and the PTCB

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Jul 31, 2011
I have a felony
by: Anonymous

I was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill (a felony differed adj and 3yrs probation) I applied for my license and was placed on pending status. I was contacted by the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and eventually went to Austin and talked with them. I was given a 400 dollar fine and 5 yrs probation. But I got my license and I'm on my way to being a tech.

Aug 09, 2011
by: Anonymous

I have a misdemeanor under the influence of a controlled substance charge from 2005. Do you thing the board will license me?

Sep 12, 2011
To answer the question the best I can
by: Anonymous

I really do not know much about the state board but from my point of view only a controlled substance is something a pharmacy tech will be dealing with. it will be a little hard to explain that situation and make it convincing but in Austin they are reasonable. My advice is to come up with a hell of an excuse (believable)to make it seem like you messed up but you are a upstanding citizen and made a horrible mistake that ruined your life (don't just use the young and dumb excuse. Good Luck

Dec 14, 2011
DV misdemeanor
by: Anonymous

If I have a domestic violence misdemeanor in the state of Kansas, will that hinder me from obtaining a pharmacy tech license?

Dec 26, 2011
Everybody deserves a 2nd chance
by: Anonymous

Again I am not an expert but I would think a misdemeanor domestic violence charge is not as bad as Felony Aggravated Assault charge. Let's say someone attempts or causes bodily injury to another person with a deadly weapon and attempts to rob them. That's a felony. But you can say it was self defense and the robbery was just an accusation. Now when it comes to Domestic Violence and what's in the police report I don't know how your going to explain that one, especially if there are women on the panel. But don't get discouraged. Taking a few self help classes, probably even church counseling will look good when it comes to saying "I have changed"
I've found that the "case by case bases" means everybody is a screw up. we just want to know if you are going to harm someone, get your pearl necklaces and bow ties out and become politicians.

Feb 09, 2012
Class B theft
by: Vanessa

I have my 'pharmacy tech in training' registration and am currently working in a pharmacy. My Tech in training expires in March of 2012. But I was recently arrested for a class b theft charge. My registration expires on the 18th of march and I have court on the 21st. I failed my test the first time I took it and I have to test before my registration expires in March. My first question is if I pass my test will this arrest affect my ability to become a pharmacy technician? and two, god forbid, I fail my test again... would I have to reapply for a tech in training registration; is that even possible? If it is possible will they deny it due to my arrest?!? Somebody help please!!!

Feb 13, 2012
PTCB and Class B theft
by: Anonymous

Anytime you try to apply or reapply for your Pharmacy Tech license, the application will ask if you have been in trouble. That would be a yes, and you'll have to appeal to the state board of pharmacy. I personally went through the review process to get some face time. The place was not located in my city, so I had to travel to the capitol, but it was worth it....
With the state board everything is on a "case by case" basis. Since your arrest happened while you were trying to pursue a career as a pharm Tech, this could be a bit tricky. (Meaning) if it happened a while ago you can say you were at "a stage in your life and you regret it ever happened and you've changed". But don't give up, you still have a chance if you go in there with a good story depending on what you stole. For example; baby formula. My baby was starving to death and I had to do what I had to do. Clothes. My sister/cousin (whatever) was getting bullied in school because or their clothes....If it was drugs while you were in the pharmacy...slap yourself ;@ . Missy I suggest you study hard before you take that test. It does not look good when you are trying to appeal and you keep failing this test. DO BETTER. Get a study partner to ask you random questions. Check out some books, read and highlight your text book, if you went to school sit in one of those classes. You can go back after you've graduated. Hell, you paid for it. I would think you would have to reapply for a trainee license since you need a PTCB number to become a pharm tech after you pass. This is what I got from the website pertaining to failing the test: Q) "What is PTCB's policy for retaking the PTCE after an unsuccessful attempt?"

A) "Candidates who fail the PTCE can retake the PTCE up to 3 times. After three retakes, candidates will need to appeal to PTCB. All requests will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis. For the first two retakes, candidates are required to wait 60 days before taking the PTCE again. For the third retake, candidates are required to wait six months before taking the PTCE again. For example, if a candidate fails the PTCE (for the first or second time) on May 1, the candidate can reapply immediately to retake the PTCE, but his/her 90-day eligibility period would not begin until July 1 (60 days after the failure date) and would extend through September 30. If a candidate fails the PTCE for the third time on May 1, the candidate's 90-day eligibility period would not begin until November 1, (six months after the third failure date). "
SINCE your case is still on going with no result set which is most likely probation you will have to call the state board you don't have to give your name and ask should you apply for your trainee now or later. OR, if nothing is on your record when you have to apply just put that you didn't get in trouble.

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