Crash Cart

by Karen
(Charlotte, NC)

Crash Cart

Crash Cart

What is a crash cart?


I added a picture of a typical looking
Crash Cart, which are commonly used in hospitals. Sometimes also known as Code Carts, these mobile units are designed to quickly dispense emergency medication and make available life saving equipment at the site of medical/surgical emergencies.

The main objective for
Crash Carts is to provide the necessary drugs and equipment with absolutely no delay.
Pharmacy is ultimately responsible for the medications stocked in the Crash Carts and must rely on the emergency staff to account for the use of the medications.

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Crash Cart

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Apr 30, 2011
Crash Carts inventory
by: Anonymous

Yes, the emergency staff is supposed to be responsible of keeping track of what was used, but don't count on it. If you're in an environment using these carts, do yourself a favor... GET TO KNOW what goes into your medication tray by heart! Most times, the cart will be returned with out any of the tracking paperwork filled out. (You'll be lucky to get a patient number most times).

*Personal experience working at a hospital in the SPD department*

May 02, 2011
Crash cart
by: elvira from chicaco

Which medications dose a crash cart contain?

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