Which book should I purchase to study for the PTCB?

by J

I am trying to find the best book possible to prepare for the PTCB exam. Can you give me an example of a book worth purchasing that has exactly what I would need to study for the exam?

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Which book should I purchase to study for the PTCB?

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Dec 01, 2010
Which Book?
by: Ron Aylor, CPhT

I found this text most helpful:

The Pharmacy Technician (Prespective Press)



Ron Aylor, CPhT

Jan 05, 2011
Responses from Facebook Members
by: Facebook

Micheal Wrote:

Mizner has an excellent book with a cd that has practice examinations on it. It also has flash cards on CD.
It is called Certified Pharmacy Technician Examination. by Mizner

Also, there is a good math book called Dosage Calculations Demystified by by Jim Keogh

Peggy Wrote:

I had ordered the PTCB exam book form their site, and that was a great reference to have . I let another friend who is a tech use it to study for her PTCB exam and she said it was a good study guide, but she needed more information which she received from her pharmacist. She passed her exam and highlighted the info for me that she was questioned on, from the test.

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