Test Day - Taking the PTCB exam

by ange
(Frisco, Tx)

What all are you supposed to bring with you to the Pharmacy Tech Exam on Test Day?

(Reply) Keith: I believe that you should have 2 forms of ID and your ATT Letter. Your ATT(Authorization to Test) letter should have arrived via email when you received your application approval from the PTCB. Besides that, just yourself as far as I remember. Pearson Vue takes care of the rest.

I would also say to not bring too much with you, since you'll just have to store it in a locker.

If you're testing soon, I recommend you read over the Test Taking Strategies.

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Test Day - Taking the PTCB exam

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Jul 31, 2010
PTCB certificate Question
by: Anonymous

I took my Exam on 6/29, my pass paper I rec'd after my exam stated that my grades and certification would be mailed on 7/9. I have been communicating with PTCB and PES (PTCB's processing center) trying to get a duplicate since it is now 7/31 and I have yet to receive my certification by mail.

PTCB and PES have been giving me the run around since 7/18 and I can't get anywhere. Any suggestions?

Aug 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

do they provide calculators??

reply (by Keith) Yes, they provide a simple calculator, earplugs, something to write on and a suitable writing instrument. When I went, that was 'dry-erase' paper and pens. When the exam is over, you have to hand back everything and have not erased anything you wrote. For more info, see on the left side of this page, the navigation bar? Click on the tab that says PTCB exam info. Half way down the page is an article called "My experience taking the PTCB exam at Pearson Vue." There are more details in there, as well as some strategies I recommend using for the test.

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