Solution mL problem

by Mozelle
(Fort Washington, MD.)

A physician has ordered a pharmacy technician to prepare 20 mg dosage of Percocet® for a patient. Percocet® is available in a 0.5% solution. How many mL are required to fill this order?
A. 10mL
B. 20mL
C. 4mL
D. None of the above

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Solution mL problem

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by: sara

0.5g/100ml =0.02g/x ml
x = 4ml

by: Anonymous

How much SWFI must be mixed with Dextrose 70% to prepare 2 L of Dextrose 5%?

lost me
by: Anonymous

How did you get 0.02, when 0.5g/100ml is 0.005? Where did the 4ml come from?

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