Retaking the PTCB exam

by Alexis

I took the Pharmacy Tech Test already and failed. And now I'm about to re-take it. what are the chances that I'll get the same test twice?

Reply: (by Keith)

Unfortunately, the chances are very slim of that. However, that's probably good news since you failed that one.

The PTCB doesn't directly disclose how many different test batteries they use. I have heard anywhere from 5 to 10.

On our Facebook page forum, people will announce that they've passed the exam. Immediately someone will ask what they saw on the exam. I try to delete those when I can, since everyone signs a confidentiality agreement at the beginning of the exam. Anyhow, the answers are always different. One person will say theirs was heavy in Math, while another said they hardly saw any math. Some will mention drug names were asked alot. Yet, others saw no drug names, but lots of Law questions.

You can probably see where I'm going with this? The only thing to do is study and prepare yourself with some strategy. It is a multiple choice test with only four answers to choose from. As such, there are mental strategies listed on
THIS PAGE. Take a look at those and you'll start to have more confidence. I recommend to try not to worry which test battery you'll get and focus more on studying and spiking up your confidence.

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