Presenting Identification at PTCB exam

by Alex

I'd like to know how pearson vue will conduct the id check. I don't know if this may be a problem for me, but they said that name on the Authorization to Test (ATT) Letter must match exactly with the I.D. you present. Well, I am going to show my driver's license. The name on my ATT has both my first, middle, and last name which do appear on my driver's license. However, in my driver's license there is an additional word which is my nickname. Will they let me in even though my nickname is missing from my ATT?

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Presenting Identification at PTCB exam

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Aug 04, 2011
Presenting ID at Pearson Vue
by: Anonymous

They didn't even want my ATT letter. The girl at the front desk just requested my drivers license. I asked her if she needed the letter which by the way I too was worried about it not matching exactly and she said no she doesn't know why the site says that.

Oct 22, 2011
Picture ID
by: Anonymous

I called Pearson vue. My drivers license has my full name, but I registered with only middle initial. They said that it wouldn't be any problem, so I assume you will be OK for the PTCB.

Jan 01, 2012
Required ID: Proctor comments
by: Anonymous

I worked as a proctor. Some exams REQUIRE us to take the ATT and match exactly other exams we take it if the candidate has it. In all exams the FIRST and LAST name must match. Occasionally we can accept variations of names (james jimmy) but many exams do not allow ANY difference AT ALL. The tricky part is the last name. If you use two last names the one that is last ON YOUR ID must match exactly with the LAST on your registration. If you use a hyphen make sure both are there w a hyphen. Some people use their mothers maiden name on some and not other. The ID MUST MATCH FIRST AND LAST NAME EXACTLY. I hate sending people home but I do. Whether or not an exam requires us to take your ATT you are on a registration list. THAT registration name must match. REGISTER for the exam with your ID in hand & make sure it's EXACTLY the same. We are matchin PHOTO, name, signature, expiration date on a govt issued ID. LOOK at your ID make sure it is not expired. Best is a CURRENT VALID passport or drivers license. If you are ever asked for secondary ID we need Valid exactly matching name and expiration date. A SIGNED credit card is good choice. SIGN anything before you present it. I don't care how you feel about it. Sign all ID including a passport if that is what you are using. Each test provides a list of rules. The proctor MUST follow those rules. Show your ID every time you enter or laeve the room. Keep the ID on the desk. Be aware some exams now require a metal detector wand. Leave you cell phone in your car. When in the center turn it OFF. OFF! If you don't know how take out the battery. If a phone has a alarm or ANY noise I will interrupt every single test taker finding out whose it is. I will ask you to leave your exam to turn it off. The clock keeps ticking. Candidates are not happy & everyone insists it is not theirs. You are warned. If your calculator has a problem get another one by getting our attention. We know everyone is stressed and most proctors want it to go smoothly. If we like you we want you to pass. If we don't like you we want you to pass so we don't see you again! (oh, did I say that out loud!??)
am on my phone so harder to check for typos. I've made an effort to say import parts enough times & ways to clarify the situation.
the very best piece of advice I can give candidates is to breathe. Sounds obvious but many people hold their breath when stressed. I can't remind you when you are in the testing room so will say it again: BREATHE!

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