Memorizing top 200 drugs

by Shauna

I took AND passed the exam back in 2002. Since then I married, had a child and let it go. I know, I could kick myself. Anyways, the last time I took it I just scanned through the top 200 drugs. Is it a major part of the exam? If so, any suggestions on memorizing the brand, generic, etc.?

Reply (Keith): I have some ideas on THIS PAGE. Everyone seems to have their own 'best way', so you'll have to decide which you like best.

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Memorizing top 200 drugs

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May 16, 2010
Learn the ones with common suffixes first
by: Anonymous

Learn the ones with common suffixes first, then concentrate on the top 100 and work your way up from there. Always look for "root" words in the names and how they tie in to what the drug is used for.

How are your MATH SKILLS ?

May 16, 2010
memorizing top 200 drugs
by: Shauna

My Math skills are good. Just need to refresh. Any tips?

Hi Shauna, To refresh on math, I would recommend finding as many practice questions as possible that involve math and learn to write the set-ups neatly. Whatever you find to be your weakness', learn those and master those. - Keith

May 16, 2010
mosby's review for the PTCB Exam
by: shauna

Is anyone familiar with Mosby's review for the PTCB? I am using it as a study guide, and hope it covers all.

May 18, 2010
Top 100 drugs
by: Anonymous

I will be taking the PTCB Exam in July. I am working on the top 100 drugs and feel there is no way I will make it through the next 100!! I feel I need to move on and get to law and brush up on math. If I know the top 100 how safe am I? (John)

reply (by Keith):
John, There's really no telling. There are 5 different test batteries and you may just get the one that is heavy into asking about drug names. I completely understand how difficult it is to memorize them. yet, when you start working as a tech you will need to know them, so, it really is worth the effort.

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