I failed the pharmacy tech exam twice? :(

by anonymous
(pluto :P)

Well, I failed the ptcb exam again for the second time. :( I wasn't surprised that I didn't pass it. I didn't study at all. (Yes, very stupid of me) I guess my question is when can I take the exam again. First time I took the exam was March 09. Second exam I took it Oct 2. So when can i take the exam again?

Reply: (Keith) : I believe you can take it again in 60 days. Here is some more information about it here.

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I failed the pharmacy tech exam twice? :(

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Oct 09, 2010
by: Anonymous

This will be my third time to take the test... So, I can re-take the third test in 60 days?

Nov 01, 2011
by: ChRxis

Does anyone actually READ the information that is on the PTCB website? You had to go to the site to register for the exam...TWICE! and you didn't think to look at the information about the test? Sorry to sound like I am criticizing, but SERIOUSLY...?

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