How much math to know?

by Linda

I am struggling with Pharmacy Math more than I had anticipated. It appears that Math will be very heavily embedded in the test. What percentage are math questions on the test? I realize math is very important but I personally won't be working in a hospital setting and feel I am spending too much of my study time contemplating on those questions. Please advise.

Reply (by Keith)
Phoenix, AZ

Until I started this site, I had no idea that Math caused so much anxiety for people. It's no joke. Math even has it's own phobia term, which is Arithmophobia. If you're not a fan of math and have a tough time "getting" it, you're actually in the majority.

To answer your question; Yes, math may be very heavily covered on your National Exam. There are several exams and some people have said they saw tons of math. Others have said they saw less than they anticipated.

Since you've asked, my advice would be to look at the math as the most important part of your study.

Firstly; Since you find it challenging, you're sure to feel great reward once you get it down. A big part of success is overcoming challenges, followed by a boost in confidence.

Secondly; Even if you don't think you'll be using it every minute of your pharmacy tech job, you indeed use it in your whole life. Learning some advanced math will make you a better thinker. It's a discipline that has a positive ripple effect. It sounds strange, but learning math can help you memorize things easier, and sharpen your understanding of pharmacology, etc. Many come to realize that it's a stepping stone. Trust me, you'll notice this and will agree that it's worth the time and effort you put in.

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