How many questions can you miss and pass the PTCB

I really don't understand the grading scale for the PTCB Exam. How many can you miss and still pass it?

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How many questions can you miss and pass the PTCB

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Jun 24, 2010
Missed Questions on the Pharm Tech Test
by: Anonymous

Not many.I think it is about 12, but I'm not for sure

Jun 24, 2010
Passing marks on the PTCB
by: Anonymous

you have to get at least 650 out of 900...that means you have to do 65 right and with 25 you can take chance..I think so...!!!

Jul 12, 2010
by: Anonymous

That sounds about right if it is 90 questions on the test

Jul 29, 2010
by: Anonymous

The only thing is 10 questions are experimental and do not count, which may add to the fact that the lowest grade you could get is a 200.

Dec 07, 2010
How many questions can you miss and pass the PTCB
by: Anonymous

80 questions/900 points = X questions/650 points
solve for X
X=58 questions

you need to get at least 58 questions to pass

Jan 22, 2011
Pharmacy Technician Test
by: Anonymous

I was wondering since I don't have any experience in the field of pharmacy, will self study help me pass the Pharmacy Tech exam? I need tips and advice

Feb 27, 2011
Pharmacy Tech Test scoring question
by: Anonymous

I believe that every question is weighted differently, thus making it very difficult to figure out exactly how many questions a person could get wrong to pass?

Reply (Keith) : That's what I think too. The PTCB website is not exactly forthcoming about that, but statistically it makes sense that some of the questions would count less, some more.

The best strategy is to NOT think about how many you could miss. The better strategy (besides studying as much as possible) is practicing how to dissect out wrong answers and use process of elimination.

Also, read over the 'test taking strategies' page before you take the exam.

Jan 20, 2012
Taking The PTCB Exam Today.
by: Anonymous

I'm taking the PTCB test today for the first time. I'm really nervous. Hope I pass. And, who ever is taking the test, good luck to you all! I will update here about the test....

Jan 21, 2012
by: Anonymous

I took the PTCB Exam and they graded me on the 90 instead of the 80. There were no 10 practice questions either. Can I get them for that?

Feb 03, 2012
PTCB test
by: Anonymous

Did you pass or fail? How hard was it? What was most the test on? I'm taking it next week! I'm really nervous.

Feb 23, 2012
Number Wrong on PTCB
by: Anonymous

You guys are right about missing X% of questions but keep in mind all the questions are weighted differently.

Ex: you might get one question right for 10pts but the next question might only be worth 5pts. They explain it all on the PTCB website. They rate the weight of the questions on the difficulty of the question.

Hope this helps

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