How do I get a job as a Pharmacy Technician?

by Alexander
(Redlands, California)

I have a 2 year degree in Pharmacy Technology. I want a job as a pharmacy technician. I have had a few (couple month long) jobs in the past that don't relate to pharmacy. Should i include those on my job applications or not? And every retail pharmacy I apply to says they are not hiring. Its been 2 years since i graduated and still no job in that field. Does the 2 year wait work against me? And, when I am done with my online applications to places like Walgreens, what should I do next even after they say there are no openings?

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How do I get a job as a Pharmacy Technician?

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May 09, 2010
Look for a Pharmacy Tech externship or internship
by: Keith

The first two questions I have for you are: 1)Have you taken and Passed the PTCE? 2) do you have a current / valid pharmacy technician license issued by the California Board of Pharmacy. If you don't have those two things you and you are trying to find a pharmacy tech job, it's probably not going to happen. I know that you have your degree, but passing the National Exam is kind of a standard nowadays and needs to be on your resume.

The two year lapse is only a concern if you cannot explain what you have been up to. If you had a project or did something in those two years, put it into your resume.

Assuming that you do have those two items, I would suggest you look for an internship or externship. should consider working several different angles in order to get your foot in the door. Have you looked up small independent pharmacies? I have heard they are usually more willing to take on new techs for externships. They get the extra (free) help, in exchange you get some experience and some resume cred, or may'be a paid job there.

Have you gone anywhere you have applied, a week later, and asked to see the pharmacist to inquire if they need some help. If you make a good impression they may look for you application and / or might know another pharmacy and send you there to apply. You have to consider that you are trying to sell yourself to them. If they get 20 applications and you're the only one who came in to see them face to face, they remember that stuff and will be more inclined to consider you. If you're one of the other 19 people, not so much.

Does the school you attended have any placement assistance or career counseling? Even if they don't, you could may'be network with program admin's and they might be able to promote you.

Anyhow, It's good that you're asking questions and seeking help. Keep looking and pursuing. You will find what you are looking for.

May 09, 2010
Pharmacy Tech. Degree Programs
by: Rick

I have been looking for a community college (in any state) that offers a Pharmacy technician degree. Does anybody know of one?

Reply (by Keith):

There are two Pharmacy Technician Programs at community colleges near my city. One at Portland Community College Portland, OR and one at Clark College in Vancouver, WA. The one at PCC is 120 hours and costs about $2500. At Mt. Hood Community college, they have a program thru Gatlin Education which is mostly online and some meetings at the school. I believe it runs about $1550. Gatlin works with Walgreens Pharmacy to get graduates from their program into externships. (but they don't guarantee it)

Have you looked into the Community colleges in your area?

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