Ask a Question guidelines

The best way to share knowledge and communication from a big group is to include everyone in the conversation. Pharmacy is a growing industry and the mission of is to spread knowledge about the vocation of pharmacy technology. As such, free forums and classified ads are offered on this site to bring people and ideas together.

Please read the basic guidelines below about the Book Classified Ads and Ask a Question forums.

Some basic guidelines:

• The ask a question page is a place to learn and exchange knowledge; an interactive group where Pharmacy Techs and Students are encouraged to ask questions and exchange useful information, stories or news.
• Unlike other groups or forums, there is no registration necessary.
• Giving your name, location and email is all optional.
• Participants will only receive email if they choose to.
• All questions, posts and comments are subject to approval.
• Approval is based on content relevance (must be pharmacy related) and author professionalism.
• Active group members will be given the option to receive emails whenever new posts are submitted.
• Every approved request will be transmitted on the site and the blog.
• Posters can request their entry be deleted thru the contact page.
• Please have some substance in your Questions.
• Posts and comments will be checked for accuracy when necessary.
• Posts may be edited for grammar, spelling and unauthorized content.
• Ask a question is a community group, please do not post a URL or commercial advertisement unless it is completely relevant.
• Improper use of the forum may result in a ban on your IP address from the posting and comment page.

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