Flow hood HEPA filter

by Carol
(Fairhaven, Massachusetts)

I took the PTCB and didn't do too well. One of my question was regarding how to clean a horizontal hood? How is that done?

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Flow hood HEPA filter

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Jun 16, 2011
Specification for Horizontal Flow, Table Model Clean Bench
by: Seth

Specification for Horizontal Flow, Table Model Clean Bench
1. Horizontal Flow Table Clean Bench must employ the HEPEX, Absolute Air Filter System.
2. The HEPEX pressure plenum shall be disposable and fabricated of flameproof, antibacterial materials
accepted by recognized authoritative agencies, such as the New York City Board of Standards and Appeals
(Calendar No. 207-64-SM), California State Fire Marshall (FI-222), U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Dept. of
Commerce, and other regulatory authorities.
3. The HEPEX System shall be 99.99% efficient on removal of all aerosol particulate contaminants 0.3
microns and larger and shall meet or exceed the requirements of Federal Standard 209b for Class 100 air
4. The Horizontal Flow Clean Bench shall contain fluorescent lamps hidden from direct operator view that
will provide a lighting intensity of 200 foot candles on the work surface.
5. The Horizontal Flow Clean Bench shall contain an Instrument Panel providing:
a. On/Off Switch for Motor/Blower
b. On/Off Switch for Fluorescent Lights
c. Speed Control for Blower (recessed to prevent tampering)
6. The Horizontal Flow Clean Bench shall be transportable through a 34-inch wide standard door and shall be
completely serviceable from the front of the unit.
7. Cabinet finish shall be textured, baked white enamel for easy cleaning; work surface shall be white, high
impact melamine plastic (or stainless steel as purchasable option).
8. The Horizontal Flow Clean Bench shall be so designed that field maintenance can be accomplished by
replacement of a module incorporated with quick-disconnects.
9. Cabinet work-zone shall be enclosed with Plexiglass hood.

Jun 21, 2011
Cleaning Laminar Flow hood
by: Anonymous

Use 70% isopropyl alcohol and a lint free cloth. Start at the back of the hood (closest to the hepa filter) and wipe the length of the surface(left to right). About half way through stop and get a new cloth. Also clean the ceiling and the sides of the hood. Hope this helps!

Jun 23, 2011
cleaning the hepa filter
by: Anonymous

but what is the order into lean the Hepa filter.. Ex 1234 steps

Feb 10, 2012
Flow Hood
by: Anonymous

You never want to get the HEPA filter wet. You clean the whole hood with sterile water 1st. sides, top, then bottom last. then same procedure with alcohol.

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