by robert may
(valdosta, georgia, usa)

I finally took the PTCB exam. It only had 80 questions on it. There were several questions that I had no idea how to answer and had to guess, even after countless hours of studying. I finished with 33 minutes to spare and then went back and changed several of my answers. I did PASS it however. It was a stressful 2 hours. Now for the fun part: Finding a job as a Cpht. I have applied to all 12 pharmacies in my town and have not heard from any of them. Good luck everyone !!

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Nov 04, 2011
Finding a job
by: Camille

Keep bugging the 12 pharmacies. Walk in and tell them you will work for their pharmacy in possibly another capacity and then ask the pharmacist if he/she would consider you when an opening in the pharmacy becomes available. Go to hospitals and clinics. Walk in and show yourself and be persistent. Let them know that you are serious about working as a Pharmacy Tech and let them get to know your face. It can work with finding any kind of job. Simply applying and not keeping yourself fresh in their minds is counter-productive. I'm not criticizing, but know that these job finding techniques are what it takes in today's job market. I hope this inspires and helps you get that Pharmacy Technician job, even if you have to start at another type of position in the pharmacy/store.

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