DUI and getting CPhT license

by jennifer
(san diego)

I'm starting pharmacy school soon to become a pharmacy technician and I just recently got a DUI. Will that prevent me from getting my license?

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DUI and getting CPhT license

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Sep 03, 2011
Shoplifting charges
by: Anonymous

I was put in jail for shoplifting in 1998. I was only in jail for one night but the next morning there was a hearing and the judge told me I had to sit in front of the store where I had done my crime and hold a sign saying what I had done. That was it. But, believe me... I learned my lesson and have been a very good person ever since. Will this be held against me by the PTCB?

Sep 06, 2011
State Board of Pharmacy
by: ChRxis

You will need to check with your state board of pharmacy. In TX, a DUI will definitely hurt your chances of being registered with the state board. Find your state's BOP website, and look there.

Sep 08, 2011
Answer to DUI & CPhT
by: Craig C Chen

From what I learned when I used to major in Nursing Assistant, they will over look your DUI as long as it happen BEFORE you decided to major in the health and medical field. If you got it when majoring in it, than yes, that will have an affect of you getting a license. They way they see it, if you going to major in health and medical field, you should be smart enough not to drink and drive. This applies to California so it may varies state to state.

Oct 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

I take my ptce exam soon and I'm really NERVOUS AHHHHHHHH! Hope I dont fail...

Oct 17, 2011
by: Anonymous

I recently enrolled in a Pharmacy Tech program at my High School. I'm very nervous about the PTCB Exam. I've heard that it is a difficult test to take and I just want to do my best. My record is clear as far as getting certified goes. I'm just worried about the Exam and anticipating this learning experience.

Nov 28, 2011
A bit of info
by: Anonymous

The DUI information provided is accurate. However, some states have a program that you may enroll in for people who have been in trouble while training/schooling or working on the job (healthcare). If the board denies your initial pharmacy assistant application (which you need before you apply for a technician license) due to a background issue, you may voluntarily enroll in such a program in order to please the board of pharmacy and have them approve it. Keep in mind that this involves actions such as a U/A every 2 weeks for 3 years (in most cases) at your own expense. Also, you may just appeal the denial and schedule a hearing as well and get a lawyer. Felons need not apply.---> Becoming a pharmacy tech is not easy, but also not that difficult. The state exam is just one of many requirements in my state (Washington) to become a pharm tech. I didn't find the state exam difficult at all. My finals from tech school were much more difficult. Hope this helps

Feb 22, 2012
very nervous
by: Anonymous

I just finished Pharmacy School and got A DUI. I've not taken the PTCB National Exam yet. Will they still let me take it and get my license with that charge? It's not a felony, since it's my first time. Its a misdemeanor. Will i still be eligible?

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