Checking Exam Scores

by Rajneet

Can someone tell me that where i can check my score online? Please reply soon. thanks reply (Keith): There is a screen you can go to online at this website , but it will just say Pass/Fail. Go to the bottom of the page and login using the password you used when you setup your Authorization Letter.

Besides that, what you'll need for your scaled scores is your Certification Number and a password to log-in to the website and see your scores. If you call the PTCB before your packet arrives in the mail, you may get a "Friendly" person who could tell you that information. However, I have heard from others that they are not required to tell you any of that. Best of luck.

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Checking Exam Scores

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Jul 02, 2010
Thanks Keith
by: rajneet

Thanks keith...I passed the test, but they wrote a line that your scores will be mailed to you and will be available online on july 2,2010. What does that mean? I don't have my certification number though, So how can I check?

Jul 02, 2010
PTCB scores
by: Anonymous

Once you take the test they will send you your score in the mail. You only find out if you pass/fail immediately after the exam, not your scaled scores.

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