Are Pharmacy Techs drug tested

How often do you get drug tested as a pharmacy tech? Are you required to take a drug test when you get hired somewhere? How about when you take the PTCB exam?

(by Keith)

In order to take the PTCB, you do not have to submit to a drug test. And, it depends on the employer where you're trying to get hired whether they require you to take one. So, it's very case-by-case. Yet, I'd have to say that a majority of employers will require one when screening you before a job offer. Then, most will also have random tests as well as when/if an accident happens.

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Are Pharmacy Techs drug tested

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Feb 25, 2012
Drug test?
by: Anonymous

I have never been tested, not even upon hire.

Feb 25, 2012
by: Anonymous

No drug test when I got hired, and no drug test at all here at Walmart. They should thou as they "train" associates and cashiers and let them pretty much do what they want. I sometimes wonder if some of them are on something. LOL!!

Feb 25, 2012
Pharm Tech drug testing
by: Anonymous

No drug testing here in Canada. Criminal record check, but that is all...

Mar 08, 2012
Drug Testing
by: Anonymous

I was offered a position in a hospital pharmacy and as part of the hiring process, was required to submit a sample for drug screening. Additionally the hospital performs random drug testing on a regular basis.

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